Staff members work closely as a team, and all recognize the importance of a consistent approach as being a vital ingredient for the success of the nursery. The Manager works alongside all staff members and is therefore aware of their approach, which enables them to appraise performance informally on a day-to-day basis.

One to one supervision sessions takes place every term(4 times a year) in a meeting between the Manager and member of staff, where concerns can be raised, and feedback is given. A formal appraisal takes place once a year in the autumn term. All Staff are given a self-appraisal form to fill in, the Manager will then observe them on two separate occasions during different types of activity. Staff are made aware when this will be taking place.

Planned /unplanned observations are followed by an informal meeting  where the possibility for self appraising is discussed. All meetings between staff and management are signed off by all parties who attended the meeting.