Sharing Information with Parents and other agencies 

Information and concerns about children are shared  with parents informally on ongoing basis. Blossom Patch Nursery has an ‘open door’ policy and encourages parents to talk to the manager at dropping off and picking up times about anything that concerns them.

Staffs constantly share positive experiences regarding children in our care with parents. If a parent wants to speak to a member of staff privately, there is always either an immediate meeting or an appointment made for another time convenient for them. These meetings are usually held in the Manager’s office, away from the children.

In addition, there are three opportunities during the year for parents to have a formal meeting with the Manager or the child’s Key Person to discuss the child’s progress and look at their work. These meetings are on a drop in basis over a three evening periods in October, March and July.

There are times where it may be necessary to share information with other agencies, such as Health Professionals or other Educational establishments. When doing so Parents’ permission will firstly be sought and our Data Protection Policy would be followed. In the case of a safeguarding concern where it was felt that to gain parental permission would cause harm or further harm to a child or other persons, information would then be shared without permission and our Safeguarding policy would be followed.

There is a parent’s notice board on the wall in the nursery. Copies of all correspondence and newsletters are posted on this board, and each family receives their own copy of all letters. A copy is also filed in their child’s folder.

For families who have English as an additional language, Blossom Patch Nursery will make every effort to translate letters into a language easier for the family to understand.