Breakfast is provided to children arriving between 7.00am and 8.30am and this consists of toast, porridge or cereal, and milk or water to drink.

Snacks of fruit (fresh) and crackers/rice cakes are provided mid-morning at 9.30am and mid-afternoon at 15:00pm, along with milk/water.

Breakfast, lunch and snacks are part of our fees. A typical weekly menu can be found below.

Alternatively, parents may provide packed food. This should not contain sweets, nuts, fizzy drinks, glass bottles or cans.

Tea is provided at 17:00pm and consist of the following:

  • Sandwiches (Tuna/Cheese/halal turkey)
  • Chopped Fruit and Vegetables (cucumber, tomatoes, carrots)
  • Cheese on toast
  • Beans on toast
  • Cheese and crackers
  • Pitta Bread Pizza
  • Cakes/biscuits/cookies

All lunch time meals are provided and delivered daily by YumYum Food Company. We try to cater for all dietary needs; including gluten free, dairy free, and any other allergies/intolerances your child may have. Parents must alert us in advance in order for us to make the suitable arrangements in order to provide the child with a nutritious meal.